TOKI's GTA Online Guide

The Pacific Standard Job
- The Finale -
Using this guide can help you do the heist on Hard difficulty without losing money or restarting. If you follow these instructions, you should never lose more than 15k on this job. If you do it well, you won't lose money at all. Experienced players should read the Suggested Game Plan.
Inexperienced players should read the Detailed Guide for a specific role:
Suggested Game Plan
- Leader should select 'Player Saved Outfits', during set-up.
(Why? So players can equip Heist Combat Outfits.)
- Members should have the Heist Heavy Combat Outfit on (you can buy it in a clothes store or Ammu-nation and save it in your Player Saved Outfits).
(Why? Heavy combat will provide a significant amount of damage protection.)
- If you're the leader, you should wear the Light Combat Outfit, for speed.
(Why? Because you will be running, not shooting.)
- Members wearing Heist Heavy should use constant jumping for speed. Use snacks and armor during the fight and on the bikes, to stay alive.
- Leader should take all the cash from the bank.
(Why? It is easier to protect the money with three guys doing the careless shooting.)
- Crowd control mustn't fail. If they sound the alarm before you collect the money, restart that part by killing yourself (if not going for challenges).
(Why? Because that alarm will get the NOOSE involved and make it 10x harder.)
- Members should protect the leader from his front and his back, by killing as many cops as they can through the alleys, in a quick fashion. Aim for headshots, use explosives. Stay close to the leader/money.
- Leader should hide from cops. Stay inside the bank, until the main street is clear. Hide in alleys also. Crew members should do all the killing.
(Why? Because everyone will lose money if the leader gets shot.)
- You should all regroup before entering the alley together. Do not enter the alley, leaving the leader far back on the main street.
Why? Because cops will spawn back on the main street, once the first man enters the alley).
- Leader should use shortcuts by jumping the fences and hiding, while others kill as many cops ('How to' read the Detailed guide). (MAP PHOTO)
- Don't forget to hit the yellow markers on your way to the bikes.
- Everyone should take Lester's GPS route, each on a bike, but separated by plenty of distance, not in a group. If you take an alternate route, make sure you get there on time, without cops (clear the final marker).
(Why? Because being in a group will spawn helis, roadblocks and make cops more aggeressive and getting the cops to the dinghy will most probably cost you money.)
- Leader (money) MUST BE FIRST on the bikes at all times during the getaway and others should let him go ahead and keep their distance (stay far behind, at least a couple of hundred yards, but preferably a lot more).
(Why? Because the first one to drive will have the safest, most common drive ahead, without having multiple cop cars, choppers, or cops shooting. If you come near the leader - trouble.)
- Leader should deviate from Lester's route to flank the two cops in front of the tunnel and kill them without being shot. (MAP PHOTO).
- Leader should evade the 2 cops on the pathway after the tunnel, by going arond them on the left, but still hitting the markers. (MAP PHOTO)
- Don't shoot the cops in cars, they won't shoot at you, unless you fall off.
- Drive very carefully on the bikes. Members, have your menu open on snacks and drive slowly, don't get knocked off your bike. If you eat snacks and have a heist heavy on, you will not get shot dead. Take your time.
This route is safer to drive and not fall off, but you will be chased and shot by choppers, making it a riskier option to protect the cash. It is also longer and with an additional risk when jumping off the bikes and parachuting. (MAP PHOTO)
Buy an apartment right next to the bikes and park a Kuruma inside. During the heist, once you all get on a bike, get off right away and sprint to the back of the alley (opposite the way you came from) and jump two walls to get to your appartment' main (foot) entrance. You mustn't be seen by cops to enter it. The owner should go inside and invite in the members, who are standing right next to the door. Once inside, everyone get into the garage and into the Kuruma.
*If you drive out the Kuruma on your own, no crew members will be able to get in.
The money carrier should sit in the back and hold 'duck' the entire way. The driver should follow the GPS route the entire trip, but once he gets to the cliff he should not drive off, but rather clear the marker and than carefully find his way down the mountain to the dinghy, with everyone still inside the car. This will lose the wanted level and keep everyone safe.
This is the safest way to get there, but from the money standpoint, not the best, since you will be in a cluster of cops the entire way and might get shot inside the car and lose some cash.
Heist Leader (Hacker) - Money Carrier
1) Set the outfit choice to: Player Saved Outfits.
2) Wear the Heist Light Combat Outfit.
3) Get to the bank, safely. Don't kill the hostages inside, only the 2 guards.
4) Hack the terminal downstairs, when you're required to do so.
5) Take all the money from two money stacks, once the safe is open.
6) Regroup, checkpoint. Stay inside the bank until your 3 mates clear the main street of all cops. Use radar/communication to know when to get out.
7) Sprint to the alley entrance, regroup, two cops should be incoming, hide behind the wall or behind the RV, until your guys kill them. Don't wait too long, cops are spawning back on the main street. Sprint ahead, watching not to step in front of your friends firing lines.
8) After the coast is clear ahead, sprint to the right side opening, and stay next to the fence on the left of that area. (MAP PHOTO)
9) Aim to jump on top of the object (garage roof) beneath the fence.
10) When you see no potential threats to shoot you from down above, make the jump. Do not move left analog stick while you jump, to avoid falling.
11) When you land on the object, instantly get off on the right side of it.
12) Wait until you see an opening so you can sprint and jump the wall across, without getting shot. Go a bit to the right and jump the wall there, to avoid getting shot from the cops on your left side. If you can, take out the choppers while you're hidden behind objects. Don't take too long to do any of this, because cops are spawning. Use your radar here.
13) When you jump the wall, sprint straight to the stairs so you clear the yellow marker, than turn around and go toward that street you have to cross to get to the bikes.
14) Stay hidden behind that wall before the street and wait until your mate(s) clear the street ahead. If you can, shoot down the choppers again.
15) Jump the wall/fence when the street is clear, run for the bikes. One more cop car will spawn ahead of you. Take it out or let your teammate do it.
16) Watch out for the remaining cops, use your radar.
17) Get on a bike. Check your mates' progress. If they're close enough to the bikes, drive ahead without them, following Lester's route.
18) Stay in front, stay on Lester's route. Drive carefully.
Use your radar to spot cops. Slow down whenever you see a threat, whether it's a cop car, too much traffic or a crossroad. Use L3 to speed up if cops start closing on you from behind (alternately use 'up' or 'down' on left analog for speed on a bike, which will limit your turning abilities.)
Pass the traffic on the right side. Evade the cop cars, going in your direction, by slowing down and changing sides on which you're overtaking them. Evade incoming cop cars by staying on the far right side. Always leave as much space as you can from potential threats.
19) Do not shoot at the cops in cars. They will shoot back if you do.
20) You need to kill the two cops standing at the checkpoint in front of the tunnel. You need to flank them, instead approaching them from that bridge. Deviate from Lester's route after you cross the last bridge (before the U turn), by climbing the hill just before a truck trailer on the left. Drive along 'the edge' of the hill. Get just close enough so you see the cop car. Exit the bike carefully and use your RPG to blow up the first car, killing one cop. You can RPG the other car or snipe the other cop. They shouldn't be able to hit you from distance here. (MAP PHOTO)
21) Clear that checkpoint and go through the tunnel. After the tunnel you should have one cop car approaching your route, depending on your speed from the marker he might be out of his car, ready to shoot. It's best to evade him in total by going off to your left along the second path, staying hidden. After that you need to clear the marker by just approaching it and continuing on your left, following approximately the re-calculated route. You then go through that wierd camp, just sticking to the left as far as you can and you will squezze through a small exit and find yourself just at the last checkpoint, before the bridge. (MAP PHOTO)
22) Get on the bridge, use L3 to accelerate and jump of the cliff. Exit the bike, open parachute, go down to the dinghy.
23) Do not hit any trees, do not try to land on to the dinghy, land in the water, so you don't hurt yourself. Use 'up' on the analog stick before landing.
24) Once you're all in, drive the dinghy carefully towards the marker, avoiding rocks.
Crew Member (Demolition)
1) Wear the Heist Heavy Combat Outfit (Use constant jumping to compensate for not being able to sprint).
2) Get to the bank, safely. Don't kill the hostages inside, only the 2 guards.
3) Open the first two gates and then go back to the stairs and watch for the incoming cops, shoot them.
4) After the bank vault cut scene, place the charge on the the last gate and repeat, run back and shoot the cop incoming.
5) Regroup, checkpoint. Kill all cops in front of the bank. Do this by exiting the bank, shooting or using explosives to kill the cops. Don't blow yourself up, or explode the leader's money, by shooting an RPG from the inside of the bank, or at any later point. You can have your interaction menu open and set to snacks. Use your radar to make sure you got them all. Regroup in front of the ally entrance.
6) Do not enter the ally, leaving the leader behind on the street.
7) Kill 2 cops incoming. Do not shoot/blow up the leader, let him pass.
8) After your leader enters the open area on the right side, follow him and go ahead of him over the fence, killing any cops that present danger
9) After the leader jumps the second fence, right across, follow him.
10) Hit the marker near the staircase, after you've jumped the second fence and run/jump after the leader.
11) Shoot down the 2 choppers, take out the cops in the street ahead.
12) Escort the leader to the bikes, killing any cops. Use your radar.
13) Get on a bike, quickly. Kill any cops near the bikes, so the leader doesn't get shot. Use your radar.
14) Follow Lester's getaway route, but only after your leader goes.
15) Do not get ahead of your leader, let him go first, stay far behind. Try keeping your distance to at least 500 meters/yards, preferably a lot more. Also create spacing between other teammates.
16) Do not shoot at the cops in the cars. They will shoot back if you do.
17) Drive very carefully. If you're wearing the heist heavy, it's unlikely you'll get shoot dead. Just stay on the bike. Do this by slowing down before every threat, whether it's a cop car, too much traffic or a crossroad. Use L3 to speed up if cops start closing on you from behind (alternately use 'up' or 'down' on left analog for speed on a bike, limiting your turning abilities.)
Use your radar to spot cop cars. Pass the traffic on the right side. Evade the cop cars, going in your direction, by changing sides on which you're passing them on. Always leave as much space as you can from potential threats. If you fall off, don't panick, you'll be alright. Shoot the cops nearby and get back on the bike.
18) Get to the bridge, use L3 to accelerate and jump of the cliff. Jump of the bike, open parachute, go down to the dinghy.
19) Do not hit any trees, do not try to land on to the dinghy, land in the water.
20) Get in the dinghy and celebrate.
Crew Member (Crowd Control 1 & 2)
1) Wear Heist Heavy Combat Outfit (Use constant jumping instead of sprinting).
2) Get to the bank, alive. Get inside, don't kill the hostages.
3) Control the hostages by aiming at them and shooting around them. Watch for your intimidation level bar, make sure it's not going down.
4) Do not hit or shoot any hostages and don't be too aggressive.
5) After the first gate is open, Crowd Control no. 2 should enter the second room and control the two tellers (also watching out for the guards coming from upstairs). Crowd Control no. 1 stays in the first room. If you fail & sound the alarm, just kill yourself and try again (do no if you're aiming for the challenges).
6) Regroup, checkpoint. Kill all cops in front of the bank. Do this by exiting the bank, shooting or using explosives to kill the cops. Don't blow yourself up, don't explode the leader's money, by shooting RPG from the inside of the bank, or at any point later on. You can have your interaction menu open and set to snacks. Use your radar to make sure you got them all. Regroup in front of the ally entrance.
7) Do not enter the ally, leaving your leader back on the street.
8) Kill the two cops coming from the alley and enter it together, or after the leader. Do not shoot/blow up the leader (money), let him pass.
Crowd Control #1 should go ahead, killing all cops in the way, quickly.
Crowd Control #2 stays behind, facing backwards, protecting the leader and others from cops spawning back on the main street. Try to do the killing quickly and stay near your leader for the rest of the way, protecting his back and front. Use your radar. (MAP PHOTO)
9) Don't forget to hit the checkpoint markers.
10) Shoot down the choppers if you can.
11) Escort leader to the bikes, killing any cops trailing you.
12) Follow Lester's getaway route, but only after your leader goes.
13) Do not get ahead of your leader, let him go first, stay far behind. Try keeping your distance. Stay at least 500 yards/meters, but preferably a lot more. Also create space between other teammates.
14) Do not shoot at the cops in the cars.
15) Drive very carefully. If you're wearing the heist heavy, it's unlikely you'll get shoot dead. Just stay on the bike. Do this by slowing down before every threat whether it's a cop car, too much traffic or a crossroad. Use L3 to speed up if cops start closing on you from behind (alternately use 'up' or 'down' on left analog for speed on a bike, limiting your turning abilities.)
Use your radar to spot cop cars. Pass the traffic on the right side. Evade the cop cars, going in your direction, by changing sides on which you're passing them. Always leave as much space as you can from potential threats. If you fall off, don't panick. Kill the nearby cops and get back on your bike.
17) Get to the bridge on the mountain, use L3 to accelerate and jump of the cliff. Jump of the bike, open parachute, go down to the dinghy.
18) Do not hit any trees, do not try to land on to the dinghy, land in the water.
19) Get in the dinghy and celebrate.