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TOKI's GTA Online Guide

The Criminal Mastermind Challenge
This is the hardest challenge to complete in GTA Heists and it's worth $10.000.000.
By completing it, you will probably complete two more challenges (All In Order & Loyalty Challenge), each worth another $1.000.000.
So how can you make the $12.000.000?
By completing all the heist setups and finales, successively, with the same group of players without anyone dying – on Hard difficulty.
Well in this guide I will help you understand the technicalities and make suggestions on what to do and what not, while conquering the challenge.
Technicalities are:
- You need to do all the heists in successive fashion, from the first one to the last one.
- The group of players that chose to try for the challenge should first do a ‘warm-up’ heist mission. This can be any setup (Fleeca Job excluded) or finale. This needs to be done in order to avoid a glitch that exists (existed) in the game, that would prevent the game registering your challenge attempt.
- The Fleeca Job needs to be done in pairs. So 2 guys from the selected 4 member crew should do it separately, as the other two do the same. After it, you proceed as a quartet with the following heists.
- You don’t have to do all the heists in the same day.
- You mustn’t play any other heists though, or you'll restart your progress. If one guy, however, does play another heist, the challenge will restart only for him, not for his teammates. So he can play to help them finish it, but he won’t be paid/recognised. This goes for all players. Keep checking your progress in Options-Stats-Awards-Heists.
- While doing the heists, no deaths are allowed.
- Quick restarts and retries for other reasons are allowed.
- If the leader fails to select the Hard difficulty and proceeds to the heist, this will also cause restart, but you will be warned before it.
That would be the technicalities. For personalized heist guides, you can basically use those that I have written on this site, with some additional suggestions.
- The main suggestion is that you gather/enter a group of good, experienced players who’ve done all the heists multiple times and are high-ranked (120+), with maxed-out skills will have the their health at a maximum, have their snacks and armor slots at a maximum and all their weapons unlocked, thus better chances of surviving.
However, anyone can try for the challenge if they feel they can do it. The key to success is communication. Make sure everyone is on the same page, talking to each other and planning out the missions.
Other suggestions, in order of importance, are:
- Whenever you can, set the ‘Player Saved Outfits’ and everyone select the Heist Heavy Combat Outfit. This will give you huge protection boost during heist. Also wear the bulletproof helmets if you can.
- Always use snacks and armor! Basically you should practice doing the entire heist or a setup with your interaction menu open and set on snacks/armor. Constantly check your health/armor levels and eat snacks/put on armor when it drops. Always do this! In a car, on foot, while fighting, or driving. Practice it.
*If you're high ranked (100+) you will have more reserve armor spots so you will want to use your armor first. If you're a low-ranked player, the number of reserve armor spots can be very low so it might be wiser for you to use up snacks during fight and equip armor only when you get a breather from fighting.
- If anyone runs out of snacks and armor or gets in a difficult position, quit/restart the mission, don’t risk it.
- Always select the armored Kuruma or the Insurgent (without the gun). Kuruma will protect you more against bullets but is easy to blow up, while the insurgent will protect you less from bullets, but will withstand multiple explosions. In example, you will want to use the Insurgent on the Convoy setup, but the Kuruma on the Bikes setup.
- Always take your time! Don’t rush anything, use cover, take it slowly.
- Don’t use explosives if you can afford it. Stay away from using the RPG and other explosives so you don’t blow yourself up. This is more common then people think. Use the minigun instead, if you have it unlocked, to shoot down the choppers when needed.
- Stay away from exploding objects and cars, whether you’re in a car, or on foot.
- Stay away from roads when on foot, don’t get run over by a civilian car (the Trash Truck mission is the perfect example)
Although, death can come around any corner in Los Santos, there are some missions that statistically, have been proven to be a bit more deadly.
Extra caution is advised for the following missions:
- Prison Break Finale
The prisoner is exposed. He cannot wear the heist heavy and will be under constant fire. Take extra caution, extra cover, extra snacks, extra armor. The prison officer also needs to protect himself and the prisoner. Also, the pilot role can be tricky. Whenever you find yourself in a plane, it’s dangerous. Put the best pilot on this role. Let him play the circling game with the jet, described in the guide. Demolition should help out and co-ordinate with others and land carefully at the end.
Planes again, take extra caution and use your radar. Split up and watch for friendly collision. Stay behind or on the side of the AI pilots, don’t let them chase after you. Don’t land the planes afterwards, only the Hydra needs to land.
- Valkyrie
Be careful of the enemy choppers. The first one that spawns near the base can blow you up if you're on foot or inside the Kuruma or a regular car. You should bring along an Insurgent and a Kuruma for this one. Use the Kuruma to kill enemies on foot and stay inside that hangar untill the player(s) in the Insurgent take out the chopper by shooting at it from inside. The other choppers you can fight in air if you have a good pilot and good gunners, or you can land on top of the hangar and just wait and snipe all the choppers incoming. If you do this, get inside the chopper if they get close.
- Trash Truck
You can’t wear the Heist Heavy on this one and you’ll be exposed. What you should do is select the Kuruma at the start. Once you get to the second pick-up, spawn your kuruma from your interaction menu immidiately. Once a collector picks the bag up, the enemies will spawn. Everyone get inside the Kuruma and kill all enemies. You should do this at every stop and should have enough time on the timer to complete the setup. At the infamous gas station, blow up the gas pumps at first. If you're fighting on foot you must use snacks/armor all the way through combat and during the getaway.
- Hack – for some reason people die allot on this one. Use the Kuruma to clear out the alley and use snacks and armor during that and during the getaway, especially if you’re at the back. Don’t crash the van, drive carefully. You can even have only one guy drive the black van and other follow in a Kuruma, so you minimize the chance of someone dying.
- Convoy – The insurgent gun and the Savage helicopters turn out to be deadly on this one. You need to take your time here. Wait for the convoy on the bridge, best place to await the choppers afterwards. Kill the convoy from an armoured car and from distance. Await for all the choppers before advancing with the truck and snipe them all. If any chopper gets anywhere close to you, get inside the insugrent (best use your own, without a gun). If you snipe the first three choppers, the 4th will appear very near to you, usually coming from behind. You should all instantly get inside the Insurgent and just shoot him down with your guns.
That would be all that I could think off. Good Luck!
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