TOKI's GTA Online Guide

The Pacific Standard Job
Setups: Vans, Signal, Hack, Convoy, Bikes.
The Finale.
You need to photograph the license plates of 4 vans, within a comfy time limit. You do this by mixing the two teams, navigators and drivers.
The driver should take a car or a bike and drive the navigator to the vans, following his directions. The navigator should open the 'Traficky' app on his phone and give out directions to the driver, using his D-pad (arrows). Use your map, so you give out logical directions. Once you approach the van, the driver should drive/park behind it, while the navigator opens his Snapmatic and takes a photo of the plate. You can use your zoom also. Do not hit the vans, do not shoot the vans, as this will fail the mission. If a navigator decides to do everything on his own, drive and take photos, he should be careful not to hit the van by going into the photo mode, while moving towards the van. After you take all 4 photos, you will need to steal the van Lester picks out. If you have a car, park it in front of the van so he can’t go around you. Get out and steal the van. If the driver manages to escape, chase him and shoot him. The player that shoots him should stay away from the van and let his mates drive it to the destination, as he will be the only one with the wanted level.
In this setup you must rescue the signal expert named Avi from the police and deliver him to the destination.
- Set the Player Saved Outfits and select the Heavy Combat Outfits.
- Select your fastest car, a two-seater.
Start the mission off by driving toward the marker, following the GPS. Do not go to the seasharks marked on your map. Instead, follow the highway all the way to the secondary seasharks that can be found on a beach, right across the destination island, near the second bridge on the highway (MAP PHOTO). This will save you a lot of time. Park your car on the beach, take the sea sharks and go to the island. Kill all cops and take out the choppers.
After the cutscene you have two possibilities:
1) You haven’t restarted - Then you should have your car parked where you left it. Go directly there with Avi.
2) In case you had to quick restart - your car will have disappeared and cannot be requested. So you want to take Avi to the pier, on the left side. (The pier that Trevor can own in GTAV. You climb that pier, go along the pathway to the highway, cross the road carefully and grab a fast car that will be parked there (check map above).
In either scenario, you will have to take out the trailing chopper. Get in the car and drive up on the highway, following your GPS. In case you're starting from the beach you came from, you can do this by driving under the bridge, following a small path to the right. Then stay on the highway all the way to the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel you will have a roadblock waiting for you. Evade it on the left side. After you exit the tunnel, as soon as you can climb the mountain on the right. When you climb the mountain, take out the police chopper and stay on the mountain until you lose the wanted level. This will happen fast and you will have plenty of time just to drive across the mountain towards the marker. Be careful not to wreck/explode the car.
Other members should only stay alive and stay away from the member escorting Avi to the drop.
In this setup you need to drive a van to a location where you need to kill a bunch of enemies and then drive off with the second van.
- Set the Player Saved Outfits and select the Heavy Combat Outfits.
- Select the Kuruma.
- The weakest player here should be the transporter.
The transporter should go and get the van that is marked on the map. Set a custom GPS right away and get to work.
The three decoys should get in the Kuruma(s) and go straight to the alley where the other van is parked. This spot will not be marked unless you get in the white van, but it's easy to find (MAP PHOTO). This will save a lot of time. Stay inside your Kuruma(s) and kill all enemies. Once the transporter parks the van, there will be a cut scene. After that, the transporter should just follow easy instructions. Decoys should get in the black van and drive to the destination, escaping enemies in cars. The driver should pay attention to the scared civilians as they will drive crazy. The van will go really fast downhill, so you might want to use your brakes. Don't crash, since the van's acceleration is really low. Use your radar to spot enemies. Everyone should eat snacks. You can shoot at the cars, avoid using explosives. When you get there, blow up the van, not yourself.
In this setup you need to steal a truck from a military-like convoy and deliver it to the destination.
- Set the Player Saved Outfits and select the Heavy Combat Outfits.
- Select the Kuruma.
Take a long drive to the marker or skip the trip if available (do not if you're chasing challenges). After you regroup at the marker, the convoy and a Savage chopper will spawn. You can snipe down the chopper from distance, by either killing the pilot or hitting the body multiple times. This is the safest option to take. After that attack the convoy. Best place probably is the bridge, but it doesn't really matter where you attack it. Shoot only the enemies. Don't shoot the cars or use explosives so you don't blow up the truck. Stay distant from the insurgent since it's gun is deadly. It can even kill you inside the Kuruma, so you need to take that gunner out quickly. After you kill them all, and enter the truck, more enemies will spawn and attack. You can choose to deal with them from a standing spot, again sniping the choppers. This is safer but you won't save any time doing it. Alternately you can drive the truck right away while two guys protect it with an insurgent. Gunner than must make his shots count against the choppers and the driver should drive steady to ease the shooting. The forth guy can be either in the truck, the insurgent or provide more support from his Kuruma. But be careful not to allow savage choppers to get close and blow you up, esp if you're inside the kuruma, or the truck. After you kill or escape all merryweather troops, deliver the truck to the marker.
In this setup you need to steal 4 bikes from The Lost and deliver them.
- Set the Player Saved Outfits and select the Heavy Combat Outfits.
- Select the Kuruma.
Drive to destination and kill all enemies inside. Don't use explosives or shoot up the bikes. Safest way is to stay inside the Kuruma and aim for headshots. Steal the bikes and deliver them to the marker. Do not use the initial, default GPS route. After you exit the parking lot, go straight ahead and use the re-calculated route. This way you'll avoid the deadly roadblock. Don't bother killing enemies on your way there, just stay on the bikes and alive. Eat snacks.