TOKI's GTA Online Guide

The Humane Labs Raid
Setups: Key Codes, Insurgents, EMP, Valkyrie, Deliver EMP.
Key Codes
In this setup you must all go to the parking spot, take your positions and wait for the exchange to go down. There will be shooting offcourse.
- Set up Player Saved Outfits and select the Heist Heavy Combat.
- Select any car.
Get to the destination, don't block the entrance, get to your position. Don't shoot around and blow your meeting. After the cut scene, kill cops quickly. Lookouts should get down from their positions once they take out the first wave of attackers and help out on the ground. Aim for headshots. Take the briefcase, escape, deliver, easy.
You must steal a pair of insurgents from a Merryweather testing site.
- Set up Player Saved Outfits and select the Heist Heavy Combat.
- Select the Kuruma.
Select or get into someone's Kuruma, drive to the quarry. Kill all enemies from inside the car. Two guys should get in each insurgent. You can either wait for the choppers to RPG them, or drive and shoot from the mounted gun if you’re comfortable. Either way you need to take out the choppers. Eat snacks while inside the cars. You needn’t take out the Merryweather cars until you’re asked to, at the very end of the route.
You must board an aircraft carrier, fight your way through, steal the Hydra and protect the Hydra with other planes. Then you need to deliver it.
- Set up Player Saved Outfits and select the Heist Heavy Combat.
- Select any car, fastest recommended.
Drive to the dinghy, and to the carrier. Clear out the first room of the ship once you board it. Watch out for explosives. Climb the stairs on the far right end and go up the catwalk to the middle and get inside the door. Look out for the guys with shotguns in the narrow hallways and right before you enter that door. Clear out the area and everyone should take a plane. The most important thing is to use your radar and watch for friendly or hostile collision. AI pilots are dumb. Just don’t fly in front of them and they won’t shoot you. Fly on their sides or behind them to shoot them down. Deliver the hydra. Only the hydra needs to land, other pilots stay in air, just for safety. Park the hydra easy by using 'normal' flight mode.
You need to steal a fight chopper from the Merryweather security.
- Set up Player Saved Outfits and select the Heist Heavy Combat.
- Select the Kuruma.
Get in a Kuruma and drive to the docks. Use your Kuruma to get all the way to the Valkyrie, without fighting the guards around the docks. Before that, once you breach the gates though, you might want to wait for the incoming chopper first, and take it out. Or you can do that at the Valkyrie, but be careful not to let him damage the V or kill someone. Deal with the guards surrounding the Valkyrie. Watch out for the sniper guard on the tower nearby. After you board the V, you can expect choppers coming to fight you 1 by 1. You can wait for them and RPG them, but it’s best to get in the air and pilot should focus on keeping the attacking choppers always in front of him, slightly below him, while his teammates do the shooting. You can take it out with miniguns from a greater distance. To do this, the pilot should use L1 and R1 and set the bullet trail of the miniguns onto the chopper. If that doesn't work, the co-pilot must be able to use his big gun effectively and take the choppers down quickly when they approach, to prevent them from firing missiles. After you dispose of the threats, be careful landing the V.
Deliver EMP
In this stealth mission you have a long drive to the insurgent and to the labs, where you need to silently dispose of the enemies and deliver the car.
- Outfits don't matter.
- Select your fastest car.
This could be done by one guy, with another helping out, more people just means more chance of messing up. All of you need to get to the insurgent at first. Alternately, one can pick it up, the fastest driver, and the others can just wait near the highway on his route and get picked up, if you all know the location of the Labs. After you get there, make sure everyone has got their silenced weapons in their hands. Snipe or kill the first two guards. Kill the one moving first, and then the one standing at the gate. One guy should drive the insurgent inside and pass the building wall, everybody hide behind the wall of the first building to avoid getting spotted by the insurgent going out. Don’t try to shoot the driver, you might mess up. After he passes, just go along the path taking out guards and scientist. Use your radar and notice their cones of vision. Do not shoot too much, as bullets hitting anything but the bodies will make noise that will sound the alarm. When killing those in pairs, try killing the first one with a headshot and then quickly kill the other one with a few shots. Shoot at the men just until you see the RP kill confirmation and then move on. Kill in the right order.
1) Snipe the guard on the high ground.
2) Take out the two guards by the car.
3) Take out the scientists on the right.
4) Kill scientist coming out of the alley.
5) Than do the lone guard on the right.
6) Then you snipe the guy on a catwalk on the left, moving.
7) Then you take out the last pair next to the truck.
One guy will bring around the insurgent. He can do this while the rest of the team is killing. One will hack. After that everyone gets in the van next to the garage and drive out.
The Finale
In the final heist you need to fly to the labs. Ground team needs to parachute down, do the job inside the lab and exit through a water tunnel. The gunner and the pilot stay in the air fighting. You later regroup at the beach nearby and fly off.
Groundteam, select the Heist Heavy Combat Outfit. Everyone needs to get to the Valkyrie. The gunner needs to take the co-pilot's seat. Fly towards the marker, gaining attitude. The ground team parachutes down, enters the facility and just follows the path. Take cover and use shotguns. When you get to the cooling tunnel, jump inside the water pool, equip your breathing thingys and dive to the bottom left corner where you will enter the tunnel. Once you surface, get to the beach and fire some flares. Clear out the beach so pilot can land. Don't stand in the middle of the beach, get all the way to one side so the pilot can land.
Meanwhile, the pilot and the gunner are in the air. Killing people on the ground is needed only if you're taking on the elite challenge. Other conditionals the challenge are fast time and Valkyrie damage. If you're not doing the challenge, just take out the choppers, quickly. Pilot needs to face the incoming helis at all times, and be on their attitude or higher. Gunner needs to be precise. Alternately, you can land the chopper on a hill and use miniguns or RPGs to take out the choppers. Once you're prompted to pick up the ground team, pilot should be very careful while landing, because the space is narrow and the beach is steep. Don't land the tail in the water, don't land sideways and watch out for your rotor blades. Once you're in the air, you need to take out more choppers. Face them, elevate and keep your chopper steady so the gunner and the ground team can shoot it easily. If you want to take them out at a distance, use L1 and R1 to aim your miniguns bullet trail at the choppers. If they come closer, the gunner needs to be precise. Land the chopper on the marker afterwards.