TOKI's GTA Online Guide

The Fleeca Job
Well this is just easy. So you can set the difficulty on Hard every time. You have to do two setups before actually robing a small bank. The one who will be the driver in the actual heist (guest by default) should drive the car in the first setup - The Scope Out, so the other guy (host by default) gets the hang of the hacking mini game. For hacking you should use your D-pad, as it is more reliable than the analog stick. Avoid running people over and shooting on your way to the bank, because this will fail the setup.
When getting the Kuruma, you should use your Kuruma, if you have one. Drive it to the top floor of the parking garage and kill everyone from inside the car. If you don't have an armored car, go to the side opposite to your enemies and take cover behind objects while fighting. Take your time.
Shoot only the enemies, don’t shoot up the cars around, you don’t want to blow up the Kuruma. Escape will be easy.
During The Heist Finale you might want to try for the Elite Challenge, because it will give you additional 50,000 per person.
The Elite Challenge demands a sharp time limit, small damage to the getaway car and no restart/death. Do this by starting the heist from Alta 3 apartment; drive a car or a bike with great acceleration (Voltic, Double T) to the Kuruma. Drive Kuruma fast, but safely. Hacker mustn’t fail.
When you get to the bank, driller should sprint/jump inside, straight to the vault. Driver should shoot the cameras and control the crowd by aiming at them and shooting around them. When drilling, hold R2 and advance with your left stick carefully. When getting away, avoid hitting any cop cars on the first two road blocks by going on the left side of the road, through narrow openings. The third road block you have to hit, aim to pass in between two cars on the left. When you approach the cargo bob, slow down some and drive under him. That’s it.